Make a donation

Giving is the foundation of life.


This life which, through forests, oceans, animals, the sun, the wind,

through us human beings, gives of itself without counting the cost.

In the grand scheme of things, each existence manifests, 

restores this life energy naturally, automatically, and so life continues to give itself.


In our societies, this balance is precarious and in danger.

Yet, within each of us lies the power to remedy the situation.


So, thanks to your donations and together, we support this project in its first steps towards this human adventure

 and making it possible for us to meet.




 To make a donation via bank transfert to the association, please use the following details :


Account holder name : Les Voix du Zen


 IBAN  : FR31 2004 1010 0916 2611 1H03 063 



Bank name :  La Banque Postale


Bank address : Centre financier – 13900 MARSEILLE Cedex 20 –  France


Kindly include “Donation” as the payment reference to help us identify your contribution.